trampa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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trampa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

Trampa refers to various contexts in Spanish, including a physical trap for animals or a metaphorical trap in a game or situation designed to deceive. It can also refer to a trick or deceitful action, often with negative connotations. In legal or technical contexts, it may refer to a fraud or manipulation designed to gain an unfair advantage. The term is frequently used both in oral and written contexts, but it tends to appear more in spoken language given its informal nature.

Example Sentences

  1. Ella puso una trampa para atrapar al ratón.
    She set a trap to catch the mouse.

  2. No caigas en la trampa de sus mentiras.
    Don't fall into the trap of his lies.

  3. La trampa en el juego fue evidente para todos.
    The trick in the game was obvious to everyone.

Idiomatic Expressions

Trampa is used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are some examples:

  1. Hacer una trampa.
    To cheat (in a game or competition).
  2. Luis decidió hacer una trampa para ganar la carrera.
    Luis decided to cheat to win the race.

  3. Caer en la trampa.
    To fall into the trap.

  4. Siempre caigo en la trampa de creer en sus promesas.
    I always fall into the trap of believing his promises.

  5. No es una trampa, es una estrategia.
    It’s not a trick, it’s a strategy.

  6. Algunos lo ven como una trampa, pero para mí es una estrategia válida.
    Some see it as a trick, but to me, it's a valid strategy.

  7. Trampa mortal.
    Deadly trap.

  8. El camino estaba lleno de trampas mortales para los desprevenidos.
    The path was filled with deadly traps for the unsuspecting.

  9. Trampa de amor.
    Love trap.

  10. Entrar en una trampa de amor puede ser peligroso si no se tiene cuidado.
    Getting into a love trap can be dangerous if you're not careful.


The word trampa comes from the late Latin term trampa, which referred to a snare or a trap. The roots can also be traced to the concept of trickery or deceit in interactions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Engaño (deceit) - Astucia (cunning) - Trucaje (trickery)

Antonyms: - Honestidad (honesty) - Verdad (truth) - Rectitud (uprightness)
