trampantojo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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trampantojo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun

Phonetic Transcription: /tram.panˈtoxo/

Meanings: 1. A type of painting or drawing that creates the illusion of a three-dimensional scene. 2. An optical illusion, a trick or deception of the senses.

Usage Patterns: "Trampantojo" is a term used in the context of art and optical illusions. It is more commonly found in written language, especially in discussions about art, design, or illusions. It is not frequently used in oral speech, but it is an important term in the field of art history and design.

Examples: 1. El artista creó un increíble trampantojo en la pared de la galería. (The artist created an incredible trompe l'oeil on the gallery wall.) 2. La técnica del trampantojo es muy utilizada en la pintura renacentista. (The trompe l'oeil technique is widely used in Renaissance painting.)

Idiomatic Expressions: "Trampantojo" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions. However, it is an important term within the artistic community and is often associated with the skill of creating realistic illusions in art.

Etymology: The word "trampantojo" comes from the Spanish verb "trope" meaning "to deceive" and "ojo" meaning "eye". Therefore, "trampantojo" can be translated as "deceive the eye", which perfectly captures its meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms:

Synonyms: 1. Engaño (Deception) 2. Ilusión óptica (Optical illusion) 3. Falsa apariencia (False appearance)

Antonyms: 1. Realidad (Reality) 2. Verdad (Truth) 3. Autenticidad (Authenticity)