trampilla - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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trampilla (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Trampilla is a noun (feminine).

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

Trampilla refers to a small door or panel that is usually part of a larger structure, often serving as an access point to areas that are not easily reachable or visible, like attics, cellars, or hidden compartments. In general usage, it can also imply a mechanism that is designed for access purposes.

The word is relatively common in both oral and written Spanish, particularly in contexts related to construction, architecture, and home maintenance.

Example Sentences

  1. La trampilla del sótano estaba cubierta de polvo y necesitaba ser limpiada.
  2. The hatch of the basement was covered in dust and needed to be cleaned.

  3. Para acceder al ático, es necesario abrir la trampilla en el pasillo.

  4. To access the attic, it is necessary to open the hatch in the hallway.

  5. La trampilla se cerró de golpe, sorprendiendo a todos en la habitación.

  6. The trapdoor slammed shut, surprising everyone in the room.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "trampilla" per se does not commonly appear in set idiomatic expressions, the concept of hatches or hidden accesses does feature metaphorically in phrases about opportunities or secrets.

Example sentences could be constructed around the metaphorical aspect, though they may not be widely recognized as standardized phrases:

  1. Hay oportunidades que son como trampillas; algunos las ven, otros no.
  2. There are opportunities that are like hatches; some see them, others do not.

  3. A veces, ocultar una trampilla en el diálogo puede ser una forma de eludir la verdad.

  4. Sometimes, hiding a hatch in the dialogue can be a way to evade the truth.

  5. La vida está llena de trampillas que abren caminos inesperados.

  6. Life is full of hatches that open unexpected paths.


The word "trampilla" comes from the Spanish word "trampa," which means "trap" or "snare," combined with the diminutive suffix "-illa." Thus, it conveys a sense of a smaller trap or something akin to an access point.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Compuerta (door or gate) - Puerta (door) - Ventana (window)

Antonyms: - Cerradura (lock) - Pared (wall)

This comprehensive breakdown provides insight into the usage, meaning, and context of the word "trampilla" within the Spanish language.
