tranca - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tranca (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Tranca is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, tranca generally refers to a physical barrier or locking mechanism, commonly used to secure doors or gates. It can denote both literal and metaphorical meanings. In various contexts, it can imply an obstacle or something that stops progress. The term is used fairly frequently across different Spanish-speaking regions, especially in oral communication, where its meanings can vary slightly depending on the context.

Example Sentences

  1. Cierra la puerta con la tranca para que nadie entre.
    Close the door with the lock so that no one can enter.

  2. La tranca en el camino nos detuvo durante horas.
    The barrier on the road stopped us for hours.

  3. Necesitamos una tranca más fuerte para asegurar la casa.
    We need a stronger lock to secure the house.

Idiomatic Expressions

Tranca is also utilized in several idiomatic expressions, particularly in colloquial language. Here are a few examples:

  1. Ponerle una tranca a alguien.
    To block someone.
    Siempre que intenta pasar, le ponen una tranca.
    Every time he tries to pass, they block him.

  2. Estar en una tranca.
    To be in a difficult situation.
    Estoy en una tranca financiera, no sé cómo pagar las cuentas.
    I am in a tight spot financially; I don’t know how to pay the bills.

  3. Tranca de risa.
    To burst out laughing.
    Cuando contaron ese chiste, todos se fueron en una tranca de risa.
    When they told that joke, everyone burst out laughing.

  4. No le pongas tranca a tu creatividad.
    Don’t block your creativity.
    No le pongas tranca a tu creatividad, deja que fluya.
    Don’t block your creativity; let it flow.


The etymology of tranca can be traced back to the Latin word tranca, meaning a crosspiece or bar. Over time, it has evolved in various languages to signify physical barriers or locks.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Barra - Cerradura - Bloqueo - Obstrucción

Antonyms: - Apertura - Paso - Libertad - Acceso

This information outlines the various aspects and uses of the word tranca in Spanish, showcasing its versatility and presence in everyday language and idiomatic phrases.
