tranco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tranco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word tranco refers to a long stride or a significant step taken, often emphasizing an action of moving forward. It can also suggest the measurement of distance covered by taking a stride. In general usage, it is somewhat colloquial and can appear in both oral and written contexts but is more commonly heard in spoken Spanish as it often relates to movement.

Frequency of Use

Tranco is moderately used in everyday conversation, especially when discussing walking or running. It is not as common in formal writings but may appear in literature or descriptive texts.

Example Sentences

  1. Él dio un tranco hacia adelante y se sintió más seguro.
  2. (He took a stride forward and felt more confident.)

  3. Los niños corrieron con un tranco rápido para alcanzar el autobús.

  4. (The children ran with quick strides to catch the bus.)

  5. Su tranco era firme y decidido mientras cruzaba la calle.

  6. (His stride was firm and determined as he crossed the street.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While tranco does not serve as a central element for many idiomatic expressions, it can appear in phrases concerning movement or progress. Here are some related expressions:

  1. A buen tranco
  2. Translation: "At a good stride"
  3. Usage: Se deben hacer las cosas a buen tranco para cumplir con los plazos.
  4. (Things need to be done at a good pace to meet the deadlines.)

  5. Sin un tranco

  6. Translation: "Without a stride"
  7. Usage: Ella caminó sin un tranco, como si no tuviera prisa.
  8. (She walked without a stride, as if she weren't in a hurry.)

  9. Tranco a tranco

  10. Translation: "Stride by stride"
  11. Usage: Avanzamos tranco a tranco en el proyecto.
  12. (We moved forward stride by stride in the project.)

  13. Dar el tranco

  14. Translation: "Take the stride"
  15. Usage: Tienes que dar el tranco necesario para lograr tus metas.
  16. (You have to take the stride necessary to achieve your goals.)


The word tranco originates from the Spanish verb trancar, which refers to the action of taking a stride or stepping in a more forceful or pronounced manner. Its roots can also be traced to the Latin transcare, which means to pass over or to tread.



This overview provides a comprehensive understanding of the word tranco across various contexts, usage, and related expressions in the Spanish language.
