tranquera - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tranquera (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Tranquera" refers to a type of gate or barrier typically found in rural or agricultural contexts, often used to control access to a piece of property, especially fields or pastures. It can also imply a gate used on farms to allow or restrict entrance to livestock. The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, though it is more commonly found in discussions regarding agriculture, farm management, or rural settings.

Example Sentences

  1. La tranquera se cierra automáticamente al pasar un vehículo.
    The gate closes automatically when a vehicle passes through.

  2. Necesitamos reparar la tranquera del campo antes de que lleguen las lluvias.
    We need to repair the gate of the field before the rains arrive.

  3. La tranquera de madera es muy resistente y duradera.
    The wooden gate is very sturdy and durable.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Tranquera" is not frequently used in many idiomatic expressions, but it can represent common themes associated with barriers and access.

  1. Cruzar la tranquera
    To cross the gate
  2. No te olvides de cerrar la tranquera después de cruzarla.
    Don't forget to close the gate after crossing it.

  3. Tener la tranquera abierta
    To have the gate open

  4. Siempre tenemos la tranquera abierta en verano para que entren los animales.
    We always have the gate open in summer so the animals can come in.

  5. Cerrar la tranquera
    To close the gate

  6. Asegúrate de cerrar la tranquera cuando termines de trabajar en la granja.
    Make sure to close the gate when you finish working on the farm.


The word "tranquera" originates from the Spanish verb "trancar," which means to bolt or secure. The suffix “-era” is typically used in Spanish to denote places or tools related to the root verb, leading to the implication of a gate that is secured.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Portón (large door/gate) - Puerta (door)

Antonyms: - Apertura (opening) - Entrada (entry)
