tranquilo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tranquilo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: Adjective

Phonetic transcription: /tranˈkilo/

Meanings and usage patterns: The word "tranquilo" in Spanish means "calm" or "quiet." It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts. The word is commonly used to describe a person's demeanor or a situation where there is a lack of stress or agitation. It is a high-frequency word in the Spanish language and is used in various contexts to convey a sense of peace or relaxation.

Verb forms - Present: tranquilo - Preterite: tranquilizó - Imperfect: tranquilizaba - Future: tranquilizará - Conditional: tranquilizaría - Present subjunctive: tranquilice - Imperfect subjunctive: tranquilizara - Imperative: tranquiliza

Examples: 1. Spanish: Estoy tranquilo en casa. English: I am calm at home.

  1. Spanish: El mar estaba muy tranquilo esta mañana. English: The sea was very calm this morning.

Idiomatic expressions: The word "tranquilo" is frequently used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Some examples include: 1. Tomarse las cosas con tranquilidad
- Translation: To take things calmly. - Example: Hay que tomarse las cosas con tranquilidad para no estresarse. (One must take things calmly to avoid getting stressed.)

  1. Estar tranquilo como un pato en el agua
  2. Translation: To be as calm as a duck in water.
  3. Example: A pesar de la situación, él siempre está tranquilo como un pato en el agua. (Despite the situation, he is always as calm as a duck in water.)

  4. Dejar tranquilo a alguien

  5. Translation: To leave someone alone.
  6. Example: Déjalo tranquilo un rato, necesita pensar las cosas. (Leave him alone for a while, he needs to think things through.)

  7. No estar tranquilo hasta que

  8. Translation: To not be calm until something happens.
  9. Example: No estaré tranquila hasta que llegues a casa. (I won't be calm until you get home.)

Etymology: The word "tranquilo" comes from the Latin word "tranquillus," which means calm or quiet.

Synonyms: - Calm (calmo) - Peaceful (pacífico) - Serene (sereno)

Antonyms: - Agitated (agitado) - Nervous (nervioso) - Restless (inquieto)