transandino - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transandino (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription


Translation options


The word "transandino" is used in Spanish to refer to something or someone that is located or happens on the other side of the Andes mountain range. It is commonly used to describe activities, events, or people that are from or related to the regions located across the Andes.

This term is more frequently used in written contexts rather than in oral speech due to its specific geographical connotation.


  1. Cruzar la cordillera transandina fue una experiencia inolvidable.
  2. Crossing the Trans-Andean mountain range was an unforgettable experience.

  3. La literatura transandina ha sido objeto de estudio en los últimos años.

  4. Trans-Andean literature has been the subject of study in recent years.

Idiomatic expressions


  1. En la otra orilla transandina: Refers to a different place or perspective across the Andes.
  2. Example: Siempre me ha atraído la cultura en la otra orilla transandina. (I have always been attracted to the culture on the other side of the Andes.)

  3. Cruzar al lado transandino: To experience a change or to embrace a different culture from across the Andes.

  4. Example: Cruzar al lado transandino nos mostró una perspectiva completamente nueva. (Embracing the Trans-Andean side showed us a completely new perspective.)


The word "transandino" is composed of "trans-" (across, beyond) and "Andino" (Andean), reflecting its literal meaning of "across the Andes."

Synonyms and Antonyms