transbordo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transbordo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Transbordo is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Transbordo refers to the action or process of transferring goods or passengers from one mode of transport to another. In the context of travel or logistics, it often signifies a stopover or a change, particularly between different types of transport, such as from a bus to a train or from a ship to a truck. It is used in both oral and written contexts, with a tendency towards more frequent use in written contexts, especially in transportation and logistics documentation.

Example Sentences

  1. El transbordo entre el tren y el autobús es muy fácil en esta estación.
  2. The transfer between the train and the bus is very easy at this station.

  3. Para hacer el transbordo, necesitamos seguir las señales en el aeropuerto.

  4. To make the transfer, we need to follow the signs in the airport.

  5. Los costos de transbordo pueden aumentar el precio del envío.

  6. The transshipment costs can increase the shipping price.

Idiomatic Expressions

In Spanish, transbordo is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, but it plays an essential role in various contexts relating to transportation and logistics.

  1. Hacer un transbordo de maletas.
  2. To transfer bags.
  3. "Tendremos que hacer un transbordo de maletas en la estación."
  4. "We will have to transfer bags at the station."

  5. Transbordo obligado.

  6. Mandatory transfer.
  7. "Debemos hacer un transbordo obligado si queremos tomar el tren a Madrid."
  8. "We must make a mandatory transfer if we want to take the train to Madrid."

  9. Evitar el transbordo.

  10. Avoiding the transfer.
  11. "Siempre intento evitar el transbordo cuando viajo con niños."
  12. "I always try to avoid the transfer when traveling with children."


The word transbordo originates from the Spanish verb "transbordar," which is a combination of "trans-" (meaning 'across') and "bordo" (derived from 'bordo,' meaning 'board,' as in boarding a vehicle). This reflects the action of boarding again after changing transportation.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Transferencia - Cambio de transporte

Antonyms: - Continuación - No cambio

In summary, transbordo is widely used within contexts of transport logistics and indicates the process of changing or transferring from one mode of transport to another. Its relevance in both everyday travel and industrial shipping highlights its importance in both general and economic discourse in the Spanish language.
