transcendencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transcendencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Transcendencia is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/tran.senˈden.θja/ (in Spain)
/tran.senˈden.sja/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Transcendencia refers to the quality of being beyond the limits of ordinary experience or thought; it can denote significance, importance, or state of transcending. The term is frequently used in philosophical, religious, and spiritual contexts to describe a state of being that surpasses the mundane.

In Spanish, transcendencia can refer to both tangible and intangible aspects, whether in discussions about personal development, philosophical ideas, or significant achievements. It is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, although more complex discussions may favor written expression.

Example Sentences

  1. La transcendencia de su trabajo se notó en la comunidad.
    The transcendence of his work was noticeable in the community.

  2. La filosofía busca explorar la transcendencia de la existencia humana.
    Philosophy seeks to explore the transcendence of human existence.

  3. La transcendencia de esta obra de arte es innegable.
    The transcendence of this piece of art is undeniable.

Idiomatic Expressions

Transcendencia is not commonly used in fixed expressions but can appear in various contexts discussing themes of significance, impact, and depth. Here are a few sentences that illustrate how it could be incorporated:

  1. Su transcendencia en la historia del arte es indiscutible.
    His transcendence in the history of art is indisputable.

  2. La transcendencia de los valores humanos es fundamental en nuestra sociedad.
    The transcendence of human values is fundamental in our society.

  3. La película abordó temas de transcendencia que resonaron con la audiencia.
    The movie addressed themes of transcendence that resonated with the audience.

  4. La búsqueda de la transcendencia personal es un camino difícil.
    The pursuit of personal transcendence is a difficult journey.

  5. Hay una profunda transcendencia en su poesía que invita a la reflexión.
    There is a profound transcendence in his poetry that invites reflection.


The word transcendencia comes from the Latin transcendentia, which means "to climb over" or "to surpass." It is derived from the verb transcendere (meaning "to rise above" or "to go beyond").

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Importancia
- Significancia
- Supremacía

- Insignificancia
- Irrelevancia
- Intrascendencia
