transcendental - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transcendental (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "transcendental" in Spanish is often used in both philosophical and everyday contexts to refer to something that goes beyond ordinary limits or is extremely important and impactful. It denotes a quality of being extraordinary or significant, which can apply to ideas, experiences, or concepts that are profound and essential.

The term is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to philosophy, spirituality, and significant life events.

Example Sentences

  1. La experiencia de viajar por el mundo fue trascendental para su desarrollo personal.
    The experience of traveling the world was transcendental for her personal development.

  2. La obra de este autor tiene un impacto trascendental en la literatura contemporánea.
    The work of this author has a transcendental impact on contemporary literature.

  3. La meditación puede ser una práctica trascendental para encontrar la paz interior.
    Meditation can be a transcendental practice for finding inner peace.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "trascendental" is often included in idiomatic expressions, which emphasize its importance or significance in various contexts.

  1. Un momento trascendental
  2. Este fue un momento trascendental en la historia de nuestra nación.
    This was a transcendental moment in the history of our nation.

  3. Decisiones trascendentales

  4. Tomar decisiones trascendentales requiere mucha reflexión.
    Making transcendental decisions requires a lot of reflection.

  5. Cambios trascendentales

  6. Los cambios trascendentales en la sociedad son necesarios para el progreso.
    Transcendental changes in society are necessary for progress.

  7. Un viaje trascendental

  8. Su viaje a la India fue un viaje trascendental que cambió su vida.
    His trip to India was a transcendental journey that changed his life.

  9. Una cuestión trascendental

  10. Es una cuestión trascendental que debemos resolver juntos.
    It is a transcendental issue that we must resolve together.

  11. Pensar de manera trascendental

  12. Es importante pensar de manera trascendental para abordar problemas complejos.
    It's important to think transcendently to address complex problems.


The word "trascendental" comes from the Latin "transcendentālis," which derives from "transcendere," meaning "to climb beyond" or "to rise above." The prefix "trans-" means "beyond," and "scandere" means "to climb."


