transcurrir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transcurrir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "transcurrir" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

IPA: /transkuˈrir/

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Transcurrir" is commonly used in the Spanish language to denote the passage of time or the development of events. It is frequently encountered in both oral and written contexts, although it is more prevalent in written language, particularly in literary and formal texts.

Frequency of Use

The verb is moderately common in everyday conversation but is more frequently found in written contexts, such as literature, journalism, or formal speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Los años transcurren rápidamente.
  2. The years pass quickly.

  3. Durante el verano, los días suelen transcurrir sin preocupaciones.

  4. During the summer, the days usually elapse without worries.

  5. A medida que transcurre el tiempo, aprendemos a valorar lo que tenemos.

  6. As time goes by, we learn to value what we have.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Transcurrir" is often used in various expressions related to the passage of time. Below are some idiomatic expressions and example sentences:

  1. Transcurrir el tiempo.
  2. El tiempo transcurre de manera diferente cuando estás disfrutando de la vida.

    • Time goes by differently when you are enjoying life.
  3. Mientras transcurre el día.

  4. Mientras transcurre el día, los problemas parecen más pequeños.

    • As the day unfolds, problems seem smaller.
  5. Transcurrir en silencio.

  6. A veces, es mejor transcurrir en silencio para evitar conflictos innecesarios.

    • Sometimes, it’s better to pass in silence to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  7. Transcurrir como un susurro.

  8. La vida puede transcurrir como un susurro si no la valoramos.

    • Life can pass like a whisper if we do not value it.
  9. Transcurrir entre sombras.

  10. Su vida transcurrió entre sombras, lejos de la atención pública.
    • His life passed in the shadows, away from public attention.


The verb "transcurrir" comes from the Latin "transcurrere," which means "to run across" or "to pass by". It is formed with the prefix "trans-" meaning "across" and "currere," which means "to run."

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview addresses various aspects of the word "transcurrir," including its meaning, usage, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and synonyms/antonyms, providing a rich understanding of the term in both general and legal contexts.
