transgredir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transgredir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "transgredir" refers to the act of violating or breaking a law, rule, or moral principle. It is commonly used in legal contexts to denote actions that exceed acceptable boundaries, whether in jurisprudence or ethical standards. The frequency of its use is moderate; it is more often found in written contexts, particularly in legal documents, literature, and formal discourse, rather than everyday oral conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. El acusado fue acusado de transgredir las leyes de tráfico.
    The defendant was accused of violating traffic laws.

  2. No es apropiado transgredir las normas establecidas en la empresa.
    It is not appropriate to violate the established rules in the company.

  3. Transgredir los derechos humanos es inaceptable.
    Transgressing human rights is unacceptable.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "transgredir" is not frequently used in specific idiomatic expressions but can appear in various contexts related to rule-breaking or misconduct.

Example Sentences with Related Contexts

  1. Es fácil transgredir los límites establecidos en la sociedad.
    It is easy to transgress the limits established in society.

  2. Cuando alguien transgrede la confianza, es difícil recuperarla.
    When someone transgresses trust, it is hard to regain it.

  3. La falta de consecuencias puede llevar a las personas a transgredir la ley más a menudo.
    The lack of consequences can lead people to transgress the law more often.


The term "transgredir" comes from the Latin "transgredĭrĕ," which is composed of "trans-" meaning "across" and "gredi" meaning "to step." Thus, it literally denotes "to step across," metaphorically signifying the act of stepping beyond established limits or boundaries.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive breakdown elucidates the various facets of "transgredir," including its grammatical characteristics, contextual applications, and semantic relationships within the Spanish language.
