transgresor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transgresor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Transgresor is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, transgresor refers to a person who violates or goes against a law, norm, or moral principle. It is frequently used in legal contexts to describe someone who does not adhere to the established rules and regulations. The term is relevant both in oral and written speech, particularly in formal discussions or legal documents.

The frequency of use is moderate; it appears commonly in legal discussions, scholarly articles, media reports, and conversation regarding law and ethics.

Example Sentences

  1. El transgresor fue llevado ante un juez para ser juzgado por sus crímenes.
  2. The transgressor was taken before a judge to be tried for his crimes.

  3. Las leyes están diseñadas para disuadir a los transgresores y proteger a la sociedad.

  4. The laws are designed to deter transgressors and protect society.

  5. En muchos casos, la rehabilitación es preferida a castigar al transgresor.

  6. In many cases, rehabilitation is preferred over punishing the transgressor.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term transgresor does not have commonly recognized idiomatic expressions in Spanish, but it can be part of phrases or contexts that discuss violation or breach of norms. Here are some sentences incorporating the word:

  1. El transgresor de la ley debe asumir las consecuencias de sus actos.
  2. The transgressor of the law must face the consequences of his actions.

  3. Si no se establece un control, los transgresores podrían multiplicarse.

  4. If control is not established, transgressors could multiply.

  5. Cada transgresor tiene una historia que contar sobre las razones de su conducta.

  6. Every transgressor has a story to tell about the reasons for their behavior.


The term transgresor comes from the Latin word transgressor, which is derived from transgredi, meaning "to go beyond" or "to step over." It is composed of the prefix trans- (beyond) and gredi (to step).

Synonyms and Antonyms

By providing a comprehensive overview of the word transgresor, this information should enhance your understanding of its usage and relevance in both general and legal contexts.
