transigir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transigir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Transigir is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Transigir means to come to an agreement by making concessions, or to yield on certain points in order to maintain harmony or reach a decision. This term is frequently used in legal, diplomatic, and interpersonal contexts, often highlighting negotiations or compromises in disputes.

In terms of usage frequency, transigir is more commonly found in written contexts, particularly in legal documents or formal discussions. It's less commonplace in casual oral communication unless the subject matter specifically pertains to negotiations or compromises.

Example Sentences

  1. El abogado decidió transigir para evitar un largo juicio.
  2. The lawyer decided to compromise to avoid a lengthy trial.

  3. Las partes involucradas finalmente acordaron transigir en algunos puntos del contrato.

  4. The parties involved finally agreed to yield on some points of the contract.

  5. En vez de pelear, ella prefirió transigir por el bien de la amistad.

  6. Instead of fighting, she preferred to give in for the sake of friendship.

Idiomatic Expressions

Transigir is not commonly used in fixed idiomatic expressions, but it may appear in contexts where negotiation or compromise is being discussed. Here are a few sentences that highlight its usage in broader negotiations or compromises.

  1. A veces es necesario transigir para mantener la paz en la familia.
  2. Sometimes it is necessary to compromise to maintain peace in the family.

  3. Un buen líder sabe cuándo transigir y cuándo ser firme.

  4. A good leader knows when to yield and when to be firm.

  5. En negociaciones difíciles, siempre hay que estar dispuesto a transigir un poco.

  6. In tough negotiations, one must always be willing to yield a little.

  7. Transigir no significa debilidad, sino inteligencia estratégica.

  8. Compromising does not mean weakness, but strategic intelligence.


The verb transigir comes from the Latin word "transigere," which means "to drive through" or "to come to an agreement." The prefix "trans-" indicates crossing or going across, while "igere" relates to driving or doing.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Comprometerse (to commit) - Ceder (to yield) - Conceder (to concede)

Antonyms: - Persistir (to persist) - Insistir (to insist) - Rechazar (to refuse)

This range of synonyms and antonyms demonstrates the nuanced usage of transigir in contexts of negotiation, agreement, and the dynamics of power and submission.
