transistor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transistor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "transistor" in Spanish refers to the same electronic component known in English. It is a vital part of modern electronic circuits, used to amplify or switch electronic signals. The term is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions related to electronics, telecommunications, and technology.

As for its frequency of use, "transistor" is frequently encountered in technical and educational settings, as well as in media discussions about radio and electronics.

Example Sentences

  1. El transistor es un componente esencial en la mayoría de los dispositivos electrónicos.
  2. The transistor is an essential component in most electronic devices.

  3. Sin el transistor, no tendríamos radios ni televisores como los conocemos hoy.

  4. Without the transistor, we wouldn't have radios or televisions as we know them today.

  5. Los ingenieros están constantemente innovando en el diseño de transistores más eficientes.

  6. Engineers are constantly innovating in the design of more efficient transistors.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Transistor" is not typically featured in many idiomatic expressions; however, it relates closely to expressions involving technology or communication.

  1. Estar a la última con los transistores.
  2. To be up-to-date with transistors.
  3. Ser una persona que sigue las tendencias tecnológicas y electrónicas.

  4. Conectar el transistor.

  5. To connect the transistor.
  6. Hacer una referencia a establecer conexiones, ya sean personales o profesionales.

  7. No todos los transistores son iguales.

  8. Not all transistors are created equal.
  9. Una metáfora para describir que no todas las personas o situaciones son iguales.


The term "transistor" is derived from a combination of the words "transfer" and "resistor." It originated in the mid-20th century as the technology developed, specifically around the time it was invented at Bell Labs in the USA in 1947.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Amplificador (Amplifier) - Semiconductores (Semiconductors) - in broader contexts

Antonyms: - Resistor (Resistor) - in terms of their function in circuits, as transistors amplify signals and resistors limit them.

In summary, "transistor" remains a crucial term in the fields of electronics and telecommunications, relevant in both oral and written communication. Its usage is widespread, often appearing in technical discussions and literature.
