transitorio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transitorio (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The word "transitorio" is commonly used in Spanish to refer to something that is temporary or not permanent. It can describe a situation, condition, or state that is expected to last only for a limited time. The frequency of use is moderate, with a balance between oral and written contexts, as it appears in legal, medical, and general discourse.

Example Sentences

  1. La situación política actual es transitoria y se espera que cambie pronto.

    The current political situation is transitional and is expected to change soon.

  2. Este contrato es transitorio y solo es válido por seis meses.

    This contract is temporary and is only valid for six months.

  3. Los efectos del medicamento son transitorios y desaparecerán después de unas horas.

    The effects of the medication are temporary and will disappear after a few hours.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "transitorio" itself may not be frequently used in set idiomatic expressions, it can feature in phrases that convey temporary states or conditions.

  1. Es solo una fase transitoria.

    It is just a transitional phase.

  2. Lo que hoy es transitorio, mañana puede ser permanente.

    What is temporary today can be permanent tomorrow.

  3. Debemos aceptar que las dificultades son transitorias.

    We must accept that difficulties are transient.

  4. Su alegría es una emoción transitoria.

    Her happiness is a temporary emotion.

  5. El clima transitorio puede afectar nuestras actividades.

    The transitional weather can affect our activities.


The term "transitorio" comes from the Latin word "transitorius," which is derived from "transitio," meaning "passing through" or "crossing." This reflects the notion of something not being permanent and indicates change or movement.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Temporal - Provisional - Fugaz

Antonyms: - Permanente - Duradero - Estable

This provides a comprehensive overview of the word "transitorio" in various contexts, including its definitions, examples, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and related terms.
