transmisor - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transmisor (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "transmisor" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "transmisor" refers to a device or medium that transmits signals or information from one location to another. This term is commonly used in telecommunications, electronics, and broadcasting, as well as in biological contexts when referring to processes that transmit signals, such as hormones.

Frequency of Use

"Transmisor" is moderately used in both written and oral contexts but is more prevalent in technical or specialized discussions, especially in fields related to communication technology and medicine.

Example Sentences

  1. El transmisor de radio envía señales a los receptores en la zona.
    Translation: The radio transmitter sends signals to the receivers in the area.

  2. Este transmisor permite que los datos se transfieran de forma inalámbrica.
    Translation: This transmitter allows data to be transferred wirelessly.

  3. En biología, un transmisor puede referirse a una sustancia que envía señales entre células.
    Translation: In biology, a transmitter can refer to a substance that sends signals between cells.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "transmisor" is not frequently featured in idiomatic expressions, there are phrases related to communication and transmission of information where the concept may be implied.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Es importante ser un buen transmisor de ideas en el trabajo.
    Translation: It is important to be a good transmitter of ideas at work.

  2. A veces, la falta de claridad en la explicación es un mal transmisor de información.
    Translation: Sometimes, a lack of clarity in the explanation is a poor transmitter of information.

  3. La confianza es un transmisor clave en las relaciones interpersonales.
    Translation: Trust is a key transmitter in interpersonal relationships.


The term "transmisor" derives from the Latin word "transmittere," which means "to send across." The prefix "trans-" denotes "across" or "beyond," while "mittere" means "to send."

Synonyms and Antonyms


