transmitente - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transmitente (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

In the legal domain, "transmitente" refers to a person or entity that transmits or sends something, usually in the context of rights, obligations, or information. It is commonly used in contracts or legal documents to designate the party that is transmitting rights or information to another party. "Transmitente" is frequently used in formal written contexts, particularly in legal texts, agreements, and academic publications.

Example Sentences

  1. El transmitente debe garantizar que la información proporcionada es correcta.
  2. The transmitter must guarantee that the information provided is correct.

  3. En el contrato, el transmitente se compromete a enviar la notificación en un plazo de cinco días.

  4. In the contract, the transmitting party agrees to send the notification within five days.

  5. La firma del transmitente es necesaria para validar el documento.

  6. The signature of the transmitter is necessary to validate the document.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "transmitente" may not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions, it can be used in a few legal phrases and contexts. Here are some examples:

  1. "La responsabilidad del transmitente se extiende hasta la entrega del documento."
  2. "The responsibility of the transmitter extends until the delivery of the document."

  3. "El retraso del transmitente podría afectar los plazos acordados."

  4. "The delay of the transmitter could affect the agreed timelines."

  5. "El transmitente y el receptor deben firmar el acuerdo para que sea válido."

  6. "The transmitter and the receiver must sign the agreement for it to be valid."

  7. "En caso de incumplimiento, el transmitente puede ser demandado por daños."

  8. "In case of default, the transmitter may be sued for damages."

  9. "El transmitente tiene la obligación de informar al receptor sobre cualquier cambio."

  10. "The transmitter has the obligation to inform the receiver about any changes."


The word "transmitente" derives from the Latin verb "transmittere," which means "to send across." The prefix "trans-" indicates "across," while "mittere" means "to send."

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview captures the essential definitions, usages, and contextual meanings associated with the term "transmitente" in legal and general Spanish language settings.
