transmutar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transmutar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Transmutar is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

Transmutar means to transform or change one substance or form into another. It is often used in contexts related to alchemy, chemistry, or metaphorically to describe a significant change in a situation or in someone's character. The word is somewhat formal and may appear more frequently in written contexts compared to spoken language. It is used in both technical and general language.

Example Sentences

  1. La alquimia buscaba transmutar metales comunes en oro.
  2. Alchemy sought to transmute common metals into gold.

  3. En su novela, el autor quiere transmutar la tristeza en esperanza.

  4. In his novel, the author wants to transmute sadness into hope.

  5. La investigación científica puede transmutar nuestra comprensión del universo.

  6. Scientific research can transmute our understanding of the universe.

Idiomatic Expressions

While transmutar itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the theme of transformation or change does surface in various sayings. Here are some related expressions along with example sentences:

  1. Transmutar el dolor en arte
  2. "Ella logró transmutar el dolor en arte, creando obras conmovedoras."
  3. "She managed to transmute pain into art, creating moving works."

  4. Transmutar la rabia en motivación

  5. "Es importante aprender a transmutar la rabia en motivación para seguir adelante."
  6. "It is important to learn to transmute rage into motivation to move forward."

  7. Transmutar la energía negativa

  8. "Aprender a transmutar la energía negativa puede mejorar tu calidad de vida."
  9. "Learning to transmute negative energy can improve your quality of life."


The word transmutar is derived from the Latin transmutare, where trans- means "across" or "beyond" and mutare means "to change". It reflects the idea of changing substances or forms fundamentally.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Transformar (to transform) - Cambiar (to change) - Alterar (to alter)

Antonyms: - Permanecer (to remain) - Mantener (to maintain) - Estabilizar (to stabilize)
