transparencia - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transparencia (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

"Transparencia" refers to the quality of being transparent, clear, or open, both literally and metaphorically. It is used in various contexts, including business, governance, and everyday communication. In a political or corporate context, it commonly indicates openness and accountability. In daily conversation, it often denotes clarity in understanding or communication.

It is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in discussions about integrity, communication, and information sharing.

Example Sentences

  1. La transparencia en el gobierno es fundamental para ganar la confianza de los ciudadanos.
  2. Transparency in government is essential to gain the trust of citizens.

  3. El informe anual de la empresa destaca la importancia de la transparencia en sus prácticas comerciales.

  4. The company's annual report highlights the importance of transparency in its business practices.

  5. La transparencia en las relaciones personales ayuda a construir vínculos más fuertes.

  6. Transparency in personal relationships helps build stronger bonds.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "transparencia" can also appear in several idiomatic expressions, often related to clarity and openness.

  1. Hablar con transparencia
  2. To speak with transparency
  3. Ejemplo: "Siempre trato de hablar con transparencia en mis interacciones laborales."
  4. I always try to speak with transparency in my work interactions.

  5. Apostar por la transparencia

  6. To bet on transparency
  7. Ejemplo: "La compañía decidió apostar por la transparencia para mejorar su reputación."
  8. The company decided to bet on transparency to improve its reputation.

  9. Promover la transparencia

  10. To promote transparency
  11. Ejemplo: "Los líderes deben promover la transparencia para fomentar la confianza."
  12. Leaders must promote transparency to foster trust.

  13. Valorar la transparencia

  14. To value transparency
  15. Ejemplo: "Es esencial valorar la transparencia en el ámbito académico."
  16. It is essential to value transparency in the academic field.


The term "transparencia" comes from the Latin word "transparens," which is the present participle form of "transparere," meaning "to shine through" or "to appear." It combines "trans-" (beyond) and "parere" (to appear). The evolution into modern Spanish maintained its essence of clarity and openness.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Claredad - Limpidez - Lucidez

Antonyms: - Opacidad - Confusión - Especificidad (in contexts where clarity is implied)

This comprehensive overview encapsulates the word "transparencia," outlining its significance in various contexts and its linguistic features.
