transparentar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transparentar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "transparentar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

The phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is: /tɾanspaɾenˈtaɾ/

Translation Options into English

"Transparentar" can be translated into English as: - To make transparent - To clarify - To disclose

Meaning and Usage

In Spanish, "transparentar" generally means to make something transparent or to clarify information. It is commonly used in contexts such as governance, business, and social matters to refer to the act of making processes or information more visible and understandable to the public. The frequency of use is moderate to high, especially in written contexts like reports, regulations, and policies, although it is also used in verbal communication within relevant fields.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante transparentar los procesos de contratación para evitar la corrupción.
    It is important to make the hiring processes transparent to avoid corruption.

  2. La empresa decidió transparentar sus finanzas para ganar la confianza de sus inversores.
    The company decided to clarify its finances to gain the trust of its investors.

  3. Los funcionarios públicos deben transparentar sus acciones para rendir cuentas a la ciudadanía.
    Public officials must disclose their actions to be accountable to the citizens.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "transparentar" itself might not be a central part of many idiomatic expressions, its concept intersects with related terms that emphasize clarity and openness. Here are several expressions to provide context:

Example Sentences with Related Expressions

  1. Hacer las cosas transparentes es fundamental para una buena gestión.
    Making things transparent is essential for good management.

  2. Debemos transparentar nuestros métodos para que todos se sientan incluidos.
    We must clarify our methods so that everyone feels included.

  3. Transparencia en la comunicación es clave para evitar malentendidos.
    Transparency in communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings.

  4. La honestidad y la transparencia son valores que debemos transparentar en nuestra práctica diaria.
    Honesty and transparency are values we must disclose in our daily practice.

  5. A veces es difícil transparentar las decisiones que se toman detrás de cerradas.
    Sometimes it is difficult to clarify the decisions made behind closed doors.


"Transparentar" comes from the Spanish word "transparente," which translates to "transparent." The root of "transparente" stems from Latin "transparens," which means "to shine through." The verb in its current form emerged to convey the action of making something clear or visible.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview encapsulates the lexical attributes, usage, idiomatic significance, etymology, and synonyms/antonyms of "transparentar."
