transportador - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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transportador (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Transportador" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Transporter
  2. Carrier
  3. Conveyance

Meaning and Usage

The word "transportador" refers to a device or person that carries or moves something from one place to another. In various contexts, it can indicate a vehicle used for transportation, tools for measurement (like a protractor in geometry, though less common), or even a person or entity responsible for transporting goods or individuals.

In terms of frequency of use, "transportador" is utilized both in oral and written contexts. However, it is more frequently seen in technical and logistical discussions, especially in material handling or engineering.

Example Sentences

  1. El transportador de mercancías llegó a tiempo para la descarga.
  2. The goods transporter arrived on time for the unloading.

  3. El transportador se encargó de llevar los materiales al sitio de construcción.

  4. The carrier was responsible for taking the materials to the construction site.

  5. Necesitamos un transportador para medir los ángulos del triángulo.

  6. We need a protractor to measure the angles of the triangle.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "transportador" might not have specific idiomatic expressions directly associated with it, it is often used in technical jargon related to logistics and transportation. Here are some phrases that include the term:

  1. "Ser un transportador efectivo"
  2. To be an effective transporter.
  3. Es importante ser un transportador efectivo para reducir costos en la logística.
  4. It is important to be an effective transporter to reduce costs in logistics.

  5. "El transportador de carga"

  6. The freight carrier.
  7. El transportador de carga tiene un papel crucial en el comercio internacional.
  8. The freight carrier plays a crucial role in international trade.

  9. "Transportador de datos"

  10. Data transporter.
  11. El transportador de datos asegura que la información se transfiera sin errores.
  12. The data transporter ensures that information is transferred without errors.


The term "transportador" is derived from the Latin word "transportare", which means "to carry across". The root "portare" translates to "to carry", and the prefix "trans-" means "across" or "beyond". This etymology emphasizes the function of the carrier or transporter in moving items over distances.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Transportista (transporter) - Porteador (carrier) - Vehículo de carga (freight vehicle)

Antonyms: - Receptor (receiver) - Estacionario (stationary)

This vocabulary can fluctuate based on specific contexts, with subtle distinctions in meaning.
