tresillo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

tresillo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The term "tresillo" is used in several contexts, primarily as a name for a card game popular in Spain and Latin America, which similar to the card game "rummy" involves sets and sequences. Additionally, "tresillo" can refer to a specific type of three-legged structure, often in gardening (trellis).

In conversational Spanish, it is more commonly used in oral contexts when discussing games, but it can also appear in written descriptions or instructions for playing card games.

Example Sentences

  1. Me gusta jugar al tresillo con mis amigos los fines de semana.
  2. I like to play tresillo with my friends on the weekends.

  3. El tresillo es un juego muy popular en nuestra familia.

  4. Tresillo is a very popular game in our family.

  5. Hoy aprenderemos las reglas del tresillo.

  6. Today we will learn the rules of tresillo.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tresillo" itself is not commonly used in many idiomatic expressions, it often appears in conversational phrases around card games or similar contexts. Below are some relevant sentences that play around the theme of games or strategies which might indirectly reflect the essence of "tresillo".

  1. Ese no es un juego de tresillo, es un juego de suerte.
  2. That’s not a game of skill; it’s a game of luck.

  3. A veces la vida es como un tresillo, se necesita estrategia y paciencia.

  4. Sometimes life is like a game of tresillo; you need strategy and patience.

  5. Si quieres ganar en el tresillo, debes ser astuto y prever los movimientos de los demás.

  6. If you want to win at tresillo, you must be clever and anticipate the moves of others.


The word "tresillo" derives from the Spanish word "tres" meaning "three," and the diminutive suffix "-illo." This implies it relates to something small or lesser in number but with a significant tactical or structural meaning, thereby linking to its use in games involving three components or groups.

Synonyms and Antonyms



The word "tresillo" serves as a foundational term in discussions of traditional card gaming and can be extended metaphorically in conversations about strategy and life lessons, especially when it comes to patience and foresight in various contexts.
