tropezar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tropezar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The verb "tropezar" primarily means to trip or stumble over an object or to encounter someone or something unexpectedly. It can be used both in a literal sense (physically stumbling) and in a metaphorical sense (encountering difficulties or problems). "Tropezar" is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, but more common in conversational language, especially in everyday situations.

Example Sentences

  1. Me tropecé con la silla y caí al suelo.
  2. I stumbled over the chair and fell to the floor.

  3. Tropezar con un problema en el trabajo puede ser frustrante.

  4. To stumble upon a problem at work can be frustrating.

  5. Si no prestas atención, puedes tropezar en la calle.

  6. If you don't pay attention, you might trip on the street.

Idiomatic Expressions

"TROPEZAR" is also found in several idiomatic expressions in Spanish.

  1. Tropezar con la misma piedra.
  2. To trip over the same stone.
  3. Meaning: To make the same mistake repeatedly.
  4. Example: Siempre que intento ahorrar, tropezar con la misma piedra y gasto de más.
  5. Every time I try to save money, I trip over the same stone and end up spending too much.

  6. Tropezar en el camino.

  7. To stumble on the way.
  8. Meaning: To face obstacles in a journey, whether physical or metaphorical.
  9. Example: En la vida, a veces tropezar en el camino es inevitable.
  10. In life, sometimes stumbling on the way is unavoidable.

  11. Tropezar por casualidad.

  12. To stumble by chance.
  13. Meaning: To encounter something accidentally.
  14. Example: Tropezar por casualidad con un viejo amigo me hizo el día.
  15. Bumping into an old friend by chance made my day.

  16. No hay que tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra.

  17. One shouldn't trip over the same stone twice.
  18. Meaning: It's wise to learn from past mistakes.
  19. Example: Es importante aprender de nuestros errores, no hay que tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra.
  20. It's important to learn from our mistakes, one shouldn't trip over the same stone twice.


The word "tropezar" comes from the Latin "tropare", which means to stumble, to trip, or to fall, which is related to "tropus," meaning a turn or twist. Over time, the word evolved in the Spanish language to adopt its current usage and meaning.

Synonyms and Antonyms

This comprehensive overview provides significant insights into the usage, meaning, and nuances of the word "tropezar" in Spanish.
