Noun (Sustantivo)
"Tumulto" refers to a situation of confusion, disorder, or disturbance often caused by a crowd or a significant number of people. In legal terms, it can denote a violent situation in public spaces that disrupts peace. It is a versatile term used in various contexts, both colloquial and formal.
The frequency of use for "tumulto" is moderate, and it can be found both in oral speech and written contexts, although it may appear more frequently in written legal or news reports related to incidents of unrest.
El tumulto en la plaza generó preocupación entre los vecinos.
The tumult in the square caused concern among the neighbors.
El abogado argumentó que no había evidencia de un tumulto durante la manifestación.
The lawyer argued that there was no evidence of a tumult during the demonstration.
Debido al tumulto, la policía tuvo que intervenir para restaurar el orden.
Due to the tumult, the police had to intervene to restore order.
"Tumulto" can be used in various idiomatic expressions in Spanish, especially to describe chaotic situations. Below are some examples:
Causar un tumulto
To cause an uproar
La noticia de la renuncia del presidente causó un tumulto entre los seguidores.
The news of the president's resignation caused an uproar among supporters.
Estar en medio de un tumulto
To be in the middle of a commotion
Ella se sintió perdida estando en medio de un tumulto de gente.
She felt lost being in the middle of a commotion of people.
Tumulto de emociones
Uproar of emotions
Después de recibir la noticia, experimentó un tumulto de emociones.
After receiving the news, he experienced an uproar of emotions.
The word "tumulto" comes from the Latin "tumultus," which signifies a disturbance or uproar. The Latin root indicates a state of agitation and confusion, reflecting its modern usage in Spanish.
Synonyms - Agitación - Confusión - Alboroto - Desorden
Antonyms - Silencio - Calma - Orden - Tranquilidad