"Turno" is a noun in Spanish.
The word "turno" in Spanish typically refers to a period of time or phase when something occurs, such as a shift in a workplace, an appointment, or a designated time for an activity. It is commonly used across various contexts, including work, medicine, or daily life, to indicate when someone is required to be present or when something should take place. The frequency of this word's use is high in both oral and written forms, and it is frequently encountered in professional, medical, and everyday conversations across Spanish-speaking countries, particularly in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.
I have an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow.
El trabajador tiene que cumplir con su turno de noche.
The worker has to fulfill his night shift.
¿Cuál es tu turno en la reunión?
"Turno" is involved in several idiomatic expressions that relate to timing, scheduling, and sequence in both social and professional contexts. Below are some examples:
To be in the right shift. (To be on time or to be doing things right.)
Tomar turno.
To take a turn. (To take your place in line or to wait for your opportunity.)
Turno de palabra.
Turn to speak. (In meetings or debates, the opportunity to speak.)
Pasar el turno.
To pass the turn. (To relinquish your turn to someone else.)
Dar un turno.
The term "turno" originates from the Latin word "turnus," which denotes a round or rotation, referencing the cyclical aspect of tasks or duties being assigned to individuals.
In summary, "turno" is a versatile Spanish noun that plays a significant role in various contexts and idiomatic expressions pertaining to timing and sequence. Its use is widespread in both oral and written discourse in Spanish-speaking regions.