"Tuya" is a pronoun and can also function as a noun in Spanish. It's a possessive form derived from the second person singular (informal "tú").
"Tuya" is used to denote possession, indicating that something belongs to the person being addressed (tú). It is often used in the singular and informal context. Its frequency of use is relatively high in both oral and written contexts, but it may be more prevalent in informal spoken language due to the use of the informal "tú."
This house is yours.
La decisión es tuya, no mía.
While "tuya" itself is not typically part of many idiomatic expressions, it is often encountered within phrases that emphasize possession and subjectivity. Here are some examples:
What is yours is yours.
Haz lo que quieras; al final, la culpa será tuya.
Do what you want; in the end, the blame will be yours.
Esa idea me parece tuya.
That idea seems to me to be yours.
La última palabra es tuya.
The final word is yours.
No es mi asunto; es cosa tuya.
The word "tuya" comes from the Latin "tuus, tua, tuum," which is the possessive adjective form for the second person singular. The suffix "-ya" indicates it is the feminine form used in the context of possession.
Synonyms: - Tu (when used as a possessive adjective) - Tuyo/a (in forms related to possession)
Antonyms: - Mío/a (mine) - Suyo/a (his/hers/yours formal/thems)
In conclusion, "tuya" serves as an important possessive pronoun in the Spanish language, frequently used to denote ownership and personal connection in various contexts.