umbilical - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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umbilical (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

The term "umbilical" in Spanish refers to anything related to the umbilicus, commonly known as the navel. It is utilized in medical and anatomical contexts, often describing structures or conditions associated with the umbilical cord or navel area. In the Spanish language, this term is used fairly frequently in medical texts, discussions, and anatomical descriptions. It is typically more common in written contexts due to its specialized usage; however, it can also appear in oral discussions within medical and educational environments.

Example Sentences

  1. El cordón umbilical es esencial para el desarrollo del feto.
    The umbilical cord is essential for the development of the fetus.

  2. Los doctores revisaron el estado del ombligo umbilical después del parto.
    The doctors checked the condition of the umbilical navel after delivery.

  3. El ligamento umbilical es una estructura importante en la anatomía humana.
    The umbilical ligament is an important structure in human anatomy.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the word "umbilical" itself is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish, it can appear in phrases related to medical contexts or metaphors discussing dependence or connection (similar to how English might use "umbilical" in a metaphorical sense). Here are some examples:

  1. La relación entre la madre y el hijo es a veces comparada con un lazo umbilical.
    The relationship between mother and child is sometimes compared to an umbilical tie.

  2. El vínculo umbilical entre ellos es evidente en su dependencia mutua.
    The umbilical bond between them is evident in their mutual dependence.

  3. El crecimiento personal a menudo implica cortar el cordón umbilical de la infancia.
    Personal growth often involves cutting the umbilical cord of childhood.


The word "umbilical" derives from the Latin "umbilicus," which means "navel." It is formed from the root "*umbil-" with the suffix "-ical," denoting "pertaining to." The term maintains its Latin origin in its transition into modern languages, including Spanish.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Navarro (related to the navel) - Umbilical (usage as a term in different contexts, though not direct)

Antonyms: - No direct antonyms exist, as "umbilical" denotes a specific anatomical relationship. However, terms that could reflect absence might include "desvinculado" (disconnected).

This structured format allows for comprehensive awareness of the term "umbilical," facilitating better understanding within medical and anatomical contexts in both Spanish and English.
