un poco - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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un poco (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "un poco" functions as an adverbial phrase in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription

/ un ˈpo.ko /

Translation Options into English

  1. a little
  2. a bit
  3. somewhat

Meaning and Usage

"Un poco" is commonly used in the Spanish language to denote a small quantity or degree of something. It can be used to express moderation or a slight extent in various contexts, such as emotions, amounts, or qualities. Its frequency of use is quite high; it is prevalent in both oral speech and written contexts, often found in everyday conversation, literature, and formal writing.

Example Sentences

  1. "Necesito un poco de tiempo para pensar."
    "I need a little time to think."

  2. "El café está un poco frío."
    "The coffee is a bit cold."

  3. "Estoy un poco cansado hoy."
    "I am somewhat tired today."

Idiomatic Expressions

"Un poco" is often integrated into various idiomatic expressions in Spanish. Here are a few noteworthy ones:

  1. "Un poco de todo"
  2. Meaning: A bit of everything
  3. Example: "En la fiesta había un poco de todo: comida, música y juegos."
    "At the party, there was a bit of everything: food, music, and games."

  4. "Un poco más"

  5. Meaning: A little more
  6. Example: "Si te esfuerzas un poco más, seguramente lo lograrás."
    "If you try a little more, you will surely succeed."

  7. "Un poco loco"

  8. Meaning: A little crazy
  9. Example: "A veces me siento un poco loco por todas las cosas que pasan."
    "Sometimes I feel a little crazy because of everything that happens."

  10. "Un poco de paciencia"

  11. Meaning: A little patience
  12. Example: "Necesitamos un poco de paciencia para resolver este problema."
    "We need a little patience to solve this problem."

  13. "Un poco de energía"

  14. Meaning: A little energy
  15. Example: "Siempre necesito un poco de energía antes de comenzar el día."
    "I always need a little energy before starting the day."


"Un poco" derives from "poco," which comes from Latin "paucus," meaning "few" or "little." The addition of "un" functions as an indefinite article, emphasizing a singular instance of "little."

Synonyms and Antonyms


