una - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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una (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Una" is a feminine singular article in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "una" is used in the Spanish language as the feminine singular indefinite article. It is employed before feminine nouns to indicate that they are non-specific or not previously mentioned. Its frequency of use in Spanish is high due to its role in everyday conversation and writing, making it an essential part of the language. It is used both in oral speech and written contexts, with no significant preference for either mode.

Example Sentences

  1. Una manzana es roja.
  2. An apple is red.

  3. ¿Tienes una idea sobre el proyecto?

  4. Do you have an idea about the project?

Idiomatic Expressions

While "una" itself is not commonly found in a vast range of idiomatic expressions, it can appear in various fixed phrases or contexts. Here are a few examples:

  1. A una sola voz.
  2. In one voice.
  3. Los estudiantes gritaron a una sola voz en apoyo a su maestro.
  4. The students shouted in one voice in support of their teacher.

  5. Tener una corazonada.

  6. To have a hunch.
  7. Tenía una corazonada de que algo bueno iba a suceder.
  8. I had a hunch that something good was going to happen.

  9. Una vez más.

  10. Once more.
  11. Por favor, explícame una vez más cómo funciona esto.
  12. Please explain to me once more how this works.


"Una" originates from Latin "una," which is the feminine form of "unus," meaning "one." It has maintained its usage as a singular indefinite article in Romance languages derived from Latin.



This overview encapsulates the essential aspects of the word "una" in the Spanish language.
