The word unido is a past participle of the verb "unir" (to unite). It can also function as an adjective in certain contexts.
Unido generally means "united" or "joined" and is often used to describe a state of being together or connected. It conveys a sense of togetherness, collaboration, or integration.
In the Spanish language, it can be used both in oral and written contexts, but it is found more frequently in written texts, such as literature and formal language, due to its descriptive nature.
Estamos todos unidos en este proyecto.
We are all united in this project.
El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.
The united people will never be defeated.
Las dos familias están unidas por la misma tradición.
The two families are united by the same tradition.
While unido itself is not heavily featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of unity is prevalent in several phrases and sayings. Here are some examples:
Unidos somos más fuertes.
United we are stronger.
El corazón unido es inquebrantable.
A united heart is unbreakable.
Juntos y unidos, alcanzaremos nuestras metas.
Together and united, we will achieve our goals.
Cuando el pueblo está unido, el poder es nuestra voz.
When the people are united, power is our voice.
The word unido comes from the Latin word unitus, which is the past participle of unire, meaning "to unite". This reflects the concept of bringing things or people together.
By understanding the term unido in these various contexts, one can appreciate its significance in expressing unity and connection in the Spanish language.