Untadura is a noun in Spanish.
Untadura refers to a swelling or bump that appears on the skin often due to inflammation or irritation. It can also denote a small tumor in some contexts. The term is not frequently used in everyday conversation but might appear in medical contexts or discussions regarding dermatological issues. It makes more appearances in written contexts, such as medical documents or literature regarding health.
The swelling on her skin started to heal after the medical treatment.
El médico examinó la untadura y determinó que no era peligrosa.
The doctor examined the bump and determined it was not dangerous.
A veces, una untadura puede ser una señal de alergia o irritación.
"Untadura" isn't commonly used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, it may appear in context-specific phrases regarding health and skin conditions. Below are a few related expressions that include synonyms or close contextual terms:
To have a swelling means to have an inflammation on the skin.
Sufrir de untaduras puede ser un signo de una reacción alérgica.
Suffering from swellings can be a sign of an allergic reaction.
Tratar una untadura con cuidado es esencial para la recuperación.
The word untadura comes from the Spanish verb "untar," which means "to spread" or "to smear." The suffix "-ura" indicates a quality or condition, relating to the act of spreading or applying, often in the context of substances on the skin.
Bulto (bump)
Overall, although not a commonly used term in casual conversation, "untadura" finds its place particularly in medical language, describing various conditions associated with swellings on the skin.