urdir - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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urdir (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The verb "urdir" primarily means "to weave" in a textile context. However, it is also frequently used in the context of plotting or devising a scheme, often with a connotation of intrigue or conspiracy. In general Spanish usage, the term holds a range from literal weaving of materials to metaphorical weaving of plots or plans.

Frequency of Use: "Urdir" is less frequently used in everyday conversation but maintains relevance in both written language, particularly in literature and academic texts, and oral speech, especially when discussing plans or conspiracies.

Example Sentences

  1. Los artesanos urden telas con antiguos métodos.
    The artisans weave fabrics using ancient methods.

  2. Él urdió un plan para sorprender a su amigo en su cumpleaños.
    He devised a plan to surprise his friend on his birthday.

  3. Se dice que algunos personajes históricos urdieron intrigas en la corte.
    It is said that some historical figures plotted intrigues at court.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Urdir" is often found in expressions that relate to plotting or scheming. Here are a few examples:

  1. Urdir una conspiración.
    To plot a conspiracy.
    Los traidores se reunieron en secreto para urdir una conspiración contra el rey.
    The traitors met secretly to plot a conspiracy against the king.

  2. Urdir planes.
    To devise plans.
    Ella siempre está urdiendo planes para salir de la rutina.
    She is always devising plans to break out of the routine.

  3. Urdir en la sombra.
    To plot in the shadows.
    Los enemigos urdieron en la sombra para desestabilizar el gobierno.
    The enemies plotted in the shadows to destabilize the government.

  4. Urdir una trama.
    To weave a plot.
    El novelista urdió una trama intrigante que mantuvo a los lectores en suspenso.
    The novelist weaved an intriguing plot that kept readers in suspense.

  5. Urdir intrigas.
    To weave intrigues.
    Muchos en la corte urdieron intrigas para ganar favor real.
    Many at court wove intrigues to gain royal favor.


The word "urdir" originates from Latin "ordire," which means "to weave." The transition from the Latin to Spanish involved phonetic changes characteristic of the evolution of the Romance languages.



In the context of its metaphorical use for plotting or scheming, antonyms may include terms like "revelar" (to reveal) or "exponer" (to expose).
