urinario - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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urinario (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

[ uɾiˈnaɾjo ]

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

The word "urinario" refers to anything related to urine or the urinary system (the organs involved in the production, storage, and elimination of urine). It is commonly used in medical and anatomical contexts and appears frequently in both oral and written forms, especially in discussions related to health, biology, and medicine.

Example Sentences

  1. Los síntomas del tracto urinario son comunes en muchas personas.
    (The symptoms of the urinary tract are common in many people.)

  2. El examen urinario es un procedimiento sencillo y rápido.
    (The urinary exam is a simple and quick procedure.)

  3. Las infecciones urinarias pueden causar dolor y malestar.
    (Urinary infections can cause pain and discomfort.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "urinario" is primarily used in specific medical contexts, there are some idiomatic expressions that incorporate the concept of urine or related terms. Here are a few:

  1. "Estar en el baño como un urinario"
    (To be in the bathroom like a urinal) - This expression indicates someone is waiting for a long time in the bathroom or is taking an unusually long time to finish.

  2. "Con el corazón en un puño y el estómago en un urinario"
    (With the heart in a fist and the stomach in a urinal) - This phrase conveys a sense of extreme anxiety or nervousness, where one feels physically affected by emotions.

  3. "Tapar el urinario"
    (To cover the urinal) - This expression can be used metaphorically to refer to suppressing one's feelings or avoiding to confront an issue.


The word "urinario" derives from the Latin "urinarius," which relates to "urina," meaning urine. The suffix "-ario" in Spanish denotes relation or pertaining to, forming an adjective that indicates a connection to urine.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- De orina (of urine)
- Urológico (urological, relating specifically to the urinary system)

- No urinario (non-urinary)
- Extrurinario (external to the urinary framework, though not commonly used)
