urticaria - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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urticaria (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Urticaria" is a noun.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

The word "urticaria" translates to "urticaria" or "hives" in English.

Meaning and Usage

"Urticaria" refers to a skin condition characterized by raised, itchy welts (wheals) that can vary in size and shape. It is often associated with allergic reactions, but it can also be triggered by various factors such as stress, infections, or certain medications. In the Spanish language, the term is commonly used in both medical and everyday contexts. In medical literature and discussions, it appears frequently due to its significance in allergology. In oral speech, it may be less commonly used among individuals who are not familiar with medical terminology, while it is more prevalent in written contexts, particularly in medical reports and discussions.

Example Sentences

  1. La urticaria puede causar picazón intensa y molestias para el paciente.
    Urticaria can cause intense itching and discomfort for the patient.

  2. El médico le recomendó un antihistamínico para tratar su urticaria.
    The doctor recommended an antihistamine to treat his urticaria.

  3. Después de comer mariscos, desarrolló urticaria en su piel.
    After eating seafood, he developed hives on his skin.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "urticaria" itself may not be found in many idiomatic expressions, the concept of hives can sometimes be related metaphorically to situations causing distress. Here are a few sentences illustrating such connections:

  1. La noticia me pegó como un brochazo de urticaria.
    The news hit me like a rash of hives.

  2. No le digas eso a Juan, o le darán urticaria de tanto enfado.
    Don't tell Juan that, or he'll break out in hives from so much anger.

  3. Su preocupación por el examen le causó una urticaria emocional.
    His worry about the exam caused an emotional rash.

  4. Con tanta presión en el trabajo, empezaron a salirme ronchas de urticaria.
    With so much pressure at work, I started breaking out in hives.

  5. Cada vez que recibe críticas, es como si le saliera urticaria.
    Every time he receives criticism, it's like he breaks out in hives.


The word "urticaria" originates from the Latin term "urtica", which means "nettle", a plant known for its stinging hairs that can cause a skin reaction similar to the welts produced by this condition. The suffix "-aria" indicates a condition or affection related to the root word.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Ronchas (welts) - Habones (hives)

Antonyms: - Calma (calmness) - Serenidad (serenity)

This comprehensive overview details the term "urticaria," providing insights into its usage within the medical and general contexts, along with examples and linguistic breakdown.
