utilidades - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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utilidades (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Utilidades" is a noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. Utilities
  2. Usefulness
  3. Benefits

Meaning and Usage

The word "utilidades" refers to various helpful or useful services, normally associated with public services like electricity, water, and gas, or it can denote the overall benefits that something can provide. In a more general sense, it's often used to refer to the usefulness of certain tools, resources, or abilities. The term can also encompass financial gains in contexts such as business.

In Spanish, "utilidades" is commonly used, often in both oral and written contexts, such as discussions relating to everyday services, accounting, business profits (net profits), and utility functions in economics.

Example sentences: - Las utilidades de la empresa crecieron significativamente el año pasado. - The company's profits increased significantly last year.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "utilidades" does appear in some idiomatic expressions, mostly within contexts of business and utility services. Here are a few examples:


The term "utilidades" is derived from the Latin "utilitas", which means usefulness or advantage. The root "utile" denotes being useful, which emphasizes the practical aspect of what "utilidades" refers to in various contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Beneficios (benefits) - Ventajas (advantages) - Provechos (gains)

Antonyms: - Desventajas (disadvantages) - Pérdidas (losses) - Ineficiencia (inefficiency)

Overall, "utilidades" is a versatile term with broad usage in economic, practical, and everyday contexts in the Spanish language.
