utilizar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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utilizar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The word "utilizar" is a verb.

Phonetic Transcription

/uti.liˈθaɾ/ (in Spain) or /uti.liˈzaɾ/ (in Latin America)

Translation Options into English

Meaning and Usage

"Utilizar" means to make use of something for a specific purpose. It is commonly employed in both formal and informal contexts. The frequency of its use is high, and it appears frequently in written texts, as well as in spoken language. In legal contexts, "utilizar" often refers to the application of laws, regulations, or legal tools.

Example Sentences

  1. Es importante utilizar las herramientas adecuadas para resolver el problema.
  2. It is important to utilize the appropriate tools to solve the problem.

  3. La compañía decidió utilizar un nuevo enfoque para mejorar su estrategia de marketing.

  4. The company decided to utilize a new approach to improve its marketing strategy.

  5. Debemos aprender a utilizar los recursos de manera eficiente.

  6. We must learn to utilize resources efficiently.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "utilizar" does not form many idiomatic expressions on its own, it can be part of phrases and collocations that convey certain meanings. Here are a few relevant examples:

  1. Utilizar el sentido común
  2. "Es crucial utilizar el sentido común en situaciones difíciles."
  3. "It is crucial to utilize common sense in difficult situations."

  4. Utilizar una estrategia

  5. "El equipo debe utilizar una estrategia efectiva para ganar el partido."
  6. "The team must utilize an effective strategy to win the match."

  7. Utilizar todos los recursos

  8. "Debemos utilizar todos los recursos disponibles para completar el proyecto."
  9. "We must utilize all available resources to complete the project."

  10. No utilizar la fuerza

  11. "Es importante no utilizar la fuerza en la resolución de conflictos."
  12. "It is important not to utilize force in resolving conflicts."


The word "utilizar" originates from the Latin "utilizare," which comes from "utilis," meaning useful. "Utilis" is derived from "uti," which means to use. The evolution into "utilizar" reflects the semantic development from merely using something to making effective or proper use of it.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "utilizar" is a versatile verb commonly used across various contexts, contributing significantly to both everyday and specialized vocabulary in Spanish. Its associations with idiomatic expressions further showcase its relevance in practical communication.
