valle submarino - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

valle submarino (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech


Phonetic transcription

/ˈbaʎe submaˈɾino/

Translation options into English


A submarine valley refers to a geological formation characterized by a steep-sided canyon located underwater, usually formed by the erosion of the seabed by underwater currents or the movement of glaciers during past ice ages. It is a term used in the context of geography to describe underwater topographical features.

In Spanish, "valle submarino" is used mainly in written contexts, such as scientific articles, documentaries, or educational materials related to geography or marine biology.

Example sentences

  1. El investigador indicó que el valle submarino descubierto en el océano Atlántico tiene una profundidad de más de 3000 metros.
    (The researcher stated that the submarine valley discovered in the Atlantic Ocean has a depth of over 3000 meters.)
  2. Los valles submarinos son importantes hábitats marinos que albergan una gran diversidad de vida acuática.
    (Submarine valleys are important marine habitats that support a wide range of aquatic life.)

Idiomatic expressions


Synonyms and Antonyms