vano - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

vano (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech: - Adjective

Phonetic transcription: - /ˈbano/ - English: bah-noh

Meanings and Usage: - The word "vano" in Spanish can have several meanings, such as "in vain," "futile," "empty," or "idle." It is often used to describe something that is useless, pointless, or without result. This adjective can be used both in oral speech and in written context, but it tends to be more common in written language or formal speech.

Verb Forms: - As "vano" is an adjective, it does not have different verb forms or tenses.

Examples: - Sus esfuerzos fueron en vano.
Translation: "His efforts were in vain." - Es una tarea vano intentar convencerlo.
Translation: "It's a futile task trying to convince him."

Idiomatic Expressions: - The word "vano" is frequently used in Spanish idiomatic expressions. Here are some examples: 1. Hacer algo en vano
Translation: "To do something in vain" 2. Ser en vano
Translation: "To be in vain" 3. Decir algo en vano
Translation: "To say something in vain" 4. Trabajar en vano
Translation: "To work in vain" 5. Esperar en vano
Translation: "To wait in vain" 6. Dejar algo en vano
Translation: "To leave something in vain" 7. Gritar en vano
Translation: "To shout in vain" 8. Intentar en vano
Translation: "To attempt in vain"

Etymology: - The word "vano" comes from the Latin word "vanus," which means "empty" or "futile."

Synonyms: - Similar words: inútil, fútil, vacío, estéril Antonyms: - Opposite words: útil, provechoso, productivo, efectivo