In Spanish, "vástago" primarily refers to a descendant, particularly in a biological sense, such as offspring or progeny. It can also be used in a botanical context to refer to a new shoot or sprout from a plant. The word is common in both oral and written forms, with usage often situational — more frequently in formal or literary contexts, especially when discussing lineage or inheritance. It can also be found in legal discourse in relation to issues of familial rights and legacies.
"El vástago del árbol creció rápidamente."
"The shoot of the tree grew rapidly."
"La familia está orgullosa de su vástago más joven."
"The family is proud of their youngest offspring."
"Los vástagos de los nobles tienen derechos sobre la herencia."
"The descendants of the nobles have rights to the inheritance."
While "vástago" does not feature prominently in widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it can be found in phrases pertaining to patrimonial or familial discourse, especially in legal contexts.
"Siempre se espera que los vástagos mantengan el legado familiar."
"It is always expected that the descendants maintain the family legacy."
"El vástago de esta familia ha logrado grandes cosas en su carrera."
"The offspring of this family has achieved great things in his career."
"Los vástagos son la representación del futuro de su linaje."
"The descendants are the representation of the future of their lineage."
"Los derechos de los vástagos deben ser protegidos por la ley."
"The rights of the descendants should be protected by law."
"Reconocer el vástago de una empresa es esencial para su crecimiento."
"Recognizing the offspring of a company is essential for its growth."
The word "vástago" comes from the Late Latin term "vásticum," which means "young shoot" or "branch." Its etymological roots trace back to the Latin "vasta," meaning "empty" or "waste," which evolved in meaning over time to relate to offspring or new growth.
This should provide a comprehensive view of the word "vástago" within the context of language and law.