veda - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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veda (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

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Meaning and Usage

The term "veda" refers to an official ban or prohibition, often used in legal contexts. It can signify the restriction of certain activities, rights, or privileges. In Spanish, "veda" is commonly associated with legal regulations, ecological contexts (like fishing or hunting bans during certain seasons), or public health prohibitions. It is frequently used in written contexts, especially in legal documents or environmental regulations, but can also appear in oral speech when discussing relevant laws or restrictions.

Example Sentences

  1. La veda de la pesca en el río comenzará el próximo mes.
    The fishing ban in the river will start next month.

  2. Se impuso una veda sobre la caza para proteger a las especies en peligro.
    A hunting ban was imposed to protect endangered species.

  3. Durante la veda, no se permite la recolección de mariscos.
    During the ban, the collection of shellfish is not allowed.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "veda" is not typically featured in many idiomatic expressions; however, it can be part of specific phrases related to prohibition or restrictions:

  1. Estar en veda.
    To be in a ban.
    This phrase indicates that certain activities or rights are restricted during a specific period.
  2. Ejemplo: Los deportistas no pueden competir, ya que están en veda por dopaje.
    Athletes cannot compete, as they are in a ban due to doping.

  3. Levantar la veda.
    To lift the ban.
    This expression is used when restrictions are removed.

  4. Ejemplo: Después de un año, se levantó la veda sobre el caza de aves migratorias.
    After a year, the hunting ban on migratory birds was lifted.

  5. Prohibición de la veda.
    Prohibition of the ban.
    This phrase may refer to contesting or going against a regulation.

  6. Ejemplo: La comunidad solicitó la prohibición de la veda sobre la pesca en el lago.
    The community requested the prohibition of the ban on fishing in the lake.


The term "veda" comes from the Latin word "veta," which means a prohibition or ban. Its usage has evolved in the Spanish language, particularly in legal and environmental contexts.

Synonyms and Antonyms


