Noun phrase
/ˈbeɪɪku.lo reoˈdaðo/
The term "vehículo rodado" is commonly used in Spanish, especially in the military context. It refers to any vehicle that moves on wheels, including trucks, tanks, armored vehicles, and other wheeled machines. This term is more often used in written military documents or official descriptions rather than in everyday oral speech.
Necesitamos asegurar el aprovisionamiento de combustible para los vehículos rodados. (We need to ensure the supply of fuel for the wheeled vehicles.)
La brigada ha incorporado nuevos vehículos rodados a su flota. (The brigade has added new wheeled vehicles to its fleet.)
No podemos echar el freno en este proyecto. (We can't put the brakes on this project.)
Coger carrerilla (Literally: take a running start)
Vamos a coger carrerilla con la planificación del evento. (We are going to take a running start with the planning of the event.)
Dar marcha atrás (Literally: go in reverse / back up)
Es difícil dar marcha atrás una vez que se toma una decisión. (It's difficult to back up once a decision is made.)
Ponerse en marcha (Literally: set in motion)
Vehículo: From Latin "vehiculum," meaning "a way of carrying."
Rodado: From the verb "rodar," which comes from Latin "rotare," meaning "to roll or run."
Synonyms: vehículo sobre ruedas (wheeled vehicle), automóvil (car), camión (truck)
Antonyms: vehículo de orugas (tracked vehicle), aeronave (aircraft), embarcación (boat)