vena cardíaca media - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

vena cardíaca media (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech: Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription: /ˈβena kaɾˈðjaka meˈðja/

Translation options into English: - Vena: vein - Cardíaca: cardiac - Media: middle

Meaning: The phrase "vena cardíaca media" translates to "middle cardiac vein." It is a term used in medicine to refer to a vein that plays a role in the circulation of blood in the heart.

Usage: This term is more common in written medical contexts than in oral speech due to its technical nature.

Examples in Context: 1. El cirujano tuvo que suturar la vena cardíaca media para detener la hemorragia. (The surgeon had to suture the middle cardiac vein to stop the bleeding.) 2. Durante la cirugía, se identificó un bloqueo en la vena cardíaca media. (During the surgery, a blockage was identified in the middle cardiac vein.)

Idiomatic Expressions: - Tener una vena de oro (To have a golden heart) - Estar en vena (To be in a good mood) - Romper la vena (To ruin the mood) - Cortar la vena (To destroy one's enthusiasm) - Estar en vena de hacer algo (To feel like doing something) - Tener la vena cruzada (To be in a bad mood) - Meterle la vena a alguien (To influence or manipulate someone)

Etymology: The word "vena" comes from the Latin "vĕna," meaning "vein." "Cardíaca" originates from the Latin "cardĭăcus," deriving from the Greek "kardiakos," which means "of the heart." "Media" comes from the Latin "medĭus," translating to "middle."

Synonyms and Antonyms: - Synonyms: Vaso sanguíneo (blood vessel), arteria (artery) - Antonyms: Arteria (artery), vaso capilar (capillary vessel)