venir de tiempo - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

venir de tiempo (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic transcription

/βeˈniɾ de ˈtjempo/

Translation options

  1. "Venir de tiempo" can be translated into English as "to come from time."
  2. It can also be interpreted as "time to come" or "coming from time."


"Venir de tiempo" is a Spanish expression used to refer to the idea of something having a long history or significant background. It is commonly used to indicate that something has been happening for a while or that it has been a long time since it started. This phrase is more frequently used in written context rather than in oral speech.


  1. Spanish: Las tradiciones de nuestro país vienen de tiempo. English: The traditions of our country come from a long time ago.

  2. Spanish: Esa costumbre de la que hablamos viene de tiempo. English: That custom we are talking about has a long history.

Idiomatic expressions

The term "venir de tiempo" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish. However, there are several other idiomatic expressions that involve the word "tiempo": 1. Estar a tiempo
- Example: Llegamos a tiempo para el inicio del concierto.
Translation: We arrived on time for the start of the concert.

  1. Matar el tiempo
  2. Example: Decidieron ir a tomar un café para matar el tiempo.
    Translation: They decided to go for a coffee to kill time.

  3. Perder el tiempo

  4. Example: No quiero perder el tiempo en discusiones inútiles.
    Translation: I don't want to waste time on useless arguments.


Synonyms and Antonyms