ventilar - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ventilar (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Ventilar" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


Translation Options into English

  1. To ventilate
  2. To air out
  3. To discuss (in certain contexts, especially in legal or informal ones)

Meaning and Usage

The verb "ventilar" has several meanings depending on the context. Generally, it refers to the act of allowing fresh air to circulate in an enclosed space, thus "ventilating" it. In legal or social contexts, it can also mean to discuss or bring to light a particular issue or topic openly.

In everyday conversation, "ventilar" is frequently used in the context of physical environments (like homes or offices) to suggest the action of airing out spaces — for instance, opening windows. It is also commonly used in more abstract discussions, such as revealing or tackling issues within a community or during a meeting.

The frequency of use can be somewhat balanced between oral and written contexts, with slightly more inclination towards oral speech, especially when discussing immediate actions like opening a window.

Example Sentences

  1. Necesitamos ventilar la casa para que entre aire fresco.
    We need to ventilate the house so that fresh air comes in.

  2. El abogado decidió ventilar el caso en la prensa para atraer atención pública.
    The lawyer decided to ventilate the case in the press to attract public attention.

  3. Es importante ventilar las ideas antes de tomar una decisión final.
    It is important to air out ideas before making a final decision.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Ventilar" can be used in various idiomatic expressions, particularly relating to discussions or the act of making something publicly known.

  1. Ventilar los trapos sucios
    Meanings include bringing dirty laundry to light, typically used to describe airing out controversies or scandals.
  2. Ejemplo: No deberíamos ventilar los trapos sucios en la reunión.
    We shouldn't air our dirty laundry in the meeting.

  3. Ventilar opiniones
    To express or discuss opinions openly.

  4. Ejemplo: Es esencial ventilar opiniones para llegar a un consenso.
    It is essential to air opinions to reach a consensus.

  5. Ventilar un asunto
    To bring up or discuss an issue.

  6. Ejemplo: Vamos a ventilar el asunto en la próxima asamblea.
    Let's ventilate the matter in the next assembly.

  7. Ventilar una queja
    To raise a complaint or express dissatisfaction.

  8. Ejemplo: Ella decidió ventilar su queja con el gerente.
    She decided to ventilate her complaint with the manager.


The verb "ventilar" comes from the Latin word "ventilāre," which means "to cause to flow or move air." This Latin term derives from "ventus," meaning "wind."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Airear (to air out) - Exponer (to expose) - Discutir (to discuss)

Antonyms: - Cerrar (to close) - Sellar (to seal) - Ocultar (to hide)
