ventura - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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ventura (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Ventura" is a feminine noun in Spanish.

Phonetic Transcription


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Meaning and Usage

"Ventura" carries several meanings in Spanish, including "fortune" or "luck," and is also used to denote "adventure." The word can imply a sense of risk and uncertainty, often associated with the unpredictable nature of life. It is more commonly used in written contexts, though it can also appear in oral speech, particularly in literary or poetic settings. The frequency of use may vary based on the region and the surrounding cultural context.

Example Sentences

  1. La vida es una ventura que debemos disfrutar.
    Life is an adventure that we must enjoy.

  2. Siempre seguí mi ventura y nunca me arrepentí.
    I always followed my fortune and never regretted it.

  3. En cada ventura, hay un riesgo que asumir.
    In every venture, there is a risk to take.

Idiomatic Expressions

"Ventura" is part of several idiomatic expressions that capture the themes of fortune and chance.

  1. Aventura sin ventura:
    Venture without fortune
  2. Empezaron una aventura sin ventura y eso les trajo problemas.
    They started a venture without fortune and it brought them problems.

  3. Correr la ventura:
    To seize the chance

  4. Decidí correr la ventura y mudarme a otro país.
    I decided to seize the chance and move to another country.

  5. Buscar la ventura:
    To seek fortune

  6. Muchos jóvenes buscan la ventura en la capital.
    Many young people seek fortune in the capital.

  7. La ventura está servida:
    The fortune is served

  8. Después de tanto esfuerzo, finalmente la ventura está servida.
    After so much effort, finally the fortune is served.


The word "ventura" originates from the Latin "ventūra," which is the future participle of "venīre," meaning "to come." The Latin root ties back to concepts of things that are about to happen or events that may come to pass.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Suerte (luck) - Destino (destiny) - Fortuna (fortune)

Antonyms: - Desgracia (misfortune) - Infortunio (bad luck) - Desdicha (unhappiness)

In summary, "ventura" is a versatile term in Spanish that encapsulates notions of fortune, chance, and adventure, enriched by its usage in both idiomatic expressions and everyday language.
