venturoso - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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venturoso (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

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Meaning and Usage

The word venturoso primarily conveys the idea of being adventurous and filled with good fortune. It is often used to describe actions or situations that involve risk but also the potential for positive outcomes. In everyday language, it can denote a person who embraces adventure or experiences that are thrilling and unpredictable.

This word is moderately used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in literary or descriptive dialogue due to its poetic connotation.

Example Sentences

  1. Hoy decidí vivir una vida venturosa y viajar por el mundo.
    Today I decided to live an adventurous life and travel the world.

  2. Su viaje a la selva fue una experiencia venturosa llena de sorpresas.
    His trip to the jungle was an adventurous experience full of surprises.

  3. Siempre he admirado a personas venturosas que no temen arriesgarse.
    I have always admired adventurous people who are not afraid to take risks.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although venturoso does not commonly appear in specific idiomatic expressions, it can be used in various phrases that convey a sense of adventure or fortune. Here are a few examples:

  1. Llevar una vida venturosa
  2. "Siempre soñé con llevar una vida venturosa en la que explore nuevos horizontes."
    I always dreamed of leading an adventurous life where I explore new horizons.

  3. Encontrar un camino venturoso

  4. "Después de muchos intentos, finalmente encontré un camino venturoso hacia el éxito."
    After many attempts, I finally found an adventurous path to success.

  5. Aventura venturosa

  6. "La montaña me ofreció una aventura venturosa que nunca olvidaré."
    The mountain offered me an adventurous experience that I will never forget.


The word venturoso comes from the Latin venturosus, which derives from venturus, meaning "about to happen" or "to come." The root venire translates to "to come," indicating that the word has the connotation of an impending event, particularly one that is favorable or adventurous.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Aventura (adventurous) - Afortunado (fortunate) - Riesgoso (risky)

Antonyms: - Cauteloso (cautious) - Predecible (predictable) - Seguro (safe)

This structure allows for a comprehensive understanding of the word venturoso in various contexts, showcasing its rich meaning and usage in the Spanish language.
