versión falsa - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

versión falsa (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech:


Phonetic transcription:

beɾˈsjon ˈfalsa

Translation options into English:

False version


"Versión falsa" translates to "false version" in English. It is a term commonly used in legal contexts to refer to a counterfeit or incorrect representation of facts, events, or statements. The term is used in both oral and written Spanish and is of moderate frequency in its use.

Example sentences:

  1. La acusada presentó una versión falsa de los hechos para intentar exculparse.
  2. The accused presented a false version of the events to try to exculpate herself.

  3. El abogado desmontó la versión falsa del testigo durante el interrogatorio.

  4. The lawyer dismantled the false version of the witness during the interrogation.

Idiomatic Expressions:

"Versión falsa" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions.


The term "versión falsa" combines the word "versión" meaning "version" from the Latin word "versio" and "falsa" meaning "false" from the Latin word "falsus."

