verter - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
Online Dictionary

verter (spanish) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of speech

The word "verter" is a verb in Spanish.

Phonetic transcription



The word "verter" is used in the Spanish language both in written and oral contexts, but it is more common in written texts than in everyday spoken language. It is not among the most frequently used verbs, but its usage is still relevant, especially in technical and formal settings.

Example sentences

  1. Tuvieron que verter el líquido con cuidado en el recipiente.
  2. They had to pour the liquid carefully into the container.

  3. Juan logró verter sus sentimientos en una carta.

  4. Juan managed to express his feelings in a letter.

Idiomatic expressions

"Verter" is part of several common idiomatic expressions in Spanish:

  1. Verte al rojo vivo: To reach a breaking point.
  2. Llegué a verte al rojo vivo con lo que me dijiste ayer.

    • I reached a breaking point with what you told me yesterday.
  3. Verter sangre: To shed blood.

  4. Prefiero dialogar antes que verter sangre por un malentendido.

    • I prefer to talk before shedding blood over a misunderstanding.
  5. Verter lágrimas: To cry or shed tears.

  6. Verter lágrimas no solucionará el problema.
    • Crying won't solve the problem.


The word "verter" comes from the Latin word "vertere," which means "to pour" or "to turn."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Derramar (to spill) - Echar (to pour) - Vaciar (to empty)

Antonyms: - Recoger (to collect) - Retener (to retain) - Guardar (to keep)